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Preoperative Immersive Virtual Reality Applied to Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study of Surgical Planning and Clinical Outcomes

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    Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is the procedure of choice for the management of complex or large renal stones. A major challenge for the surgeon, however, is the need to assimilate the nearly 2000 static images from a CT scan into a functional mental image to enable surgical planning. Accordingly, we investigated the potential of immersive virtual reality (iVR) to enhance surgical planning and its impact on the outcomes among patients undergoing PCNL.

    Materials and Methods:

    Between 2019 and 2023, 175 patients undergoing PCNL were preoperatively randomized into a CT-only group (N = 89) or a CT+iVR group (N = 86). CT scans were rendered into iVR models that allowed the surgeon not only to visualize and manipulate each patient’s relevant anatomy, but also to simulate the percutaneous approach to the proposed calyx. Postoperative CT scans were defined as absolute stone free, < 2 mm remnants, or 2.1 to 4 mm remnants.


    Preoperative visualization of the iVR model resulted in a changed calyx of entry in 30% of cases. The CT+iVR group had a significant improvement in absolute stone-free rate (33.70% vs 20.22%, P = .043) and overall < 4 mm remnant rate (62.79% vs 48.20%, P = .044). Clavien-Dindo II+IIIa complications were less in the iVR group (3.48% vs 12.30%, P = .03). The results were independent of the surgeon’s years of PCNL experience.


    Preoperative iVR model visualization benefited surgeons and patients alike. From a surgical standpoint, viewing the iVR model resulted in a safer, more effective percutaneous stone removal procedure.

    JU Insight

    • Study Need and Importance

    • Unlike sports, surgeons have no coaches. After residency, improvement is based solely on self-assessment and practice. The question arises of whether advances in imaging can provide surgeons with a preoperative opportunity to better “see” and understand the anatomy and thereby improve the surgical outcome. Accordingly, we sought to evaluate immersive and interactive virtual reality (iVR) renderings of a urolithiasis patient’s abdominal CT to see if viewing these images preoperatively with a 3D headset would be of benefit (Figure).

    • What We Found

    • In this randomized study of 175 patients undergoing percutaneous stone removal, among 4 endourology fellowship-trained urologists, the brief, immediate preoperative viewing of the patients’ iVR models resulted in an alteration in the selected calyx of entry (30% of the time), an improved absolute stone-free rate, and a reduction in Clavien-Dindo II and IIIa complications. Of note, this more sanguine outcome was recorded by each individual surgeon regardless of their time in practice, which ranged from less than 10 years to 40 years.

    • Limitations

    • At this time, the biggest limitation for preoperative iVR is creating the models as this is labor intensive, each requiring 1 to 3 hours.

    • Interpretation for Patient Care

    • With advances in artificial intelligence and computing, the time is near when any CT scan may automatically be converted into iVR. For the patient, this translates into a better understanding of their surgery and may result in a better outcome. Indeed, some of the benefits we have seen for percutaneous stone removal have also been noted in a pilot study in which preoperative viewing of patient-specific iVR models was done before donor nephrectomy and laparoscopic/robotic partial nephrectomy. The next question is whether in the future each surgeon have their own artificial intelligence personal surgical coach providing a warm-up iVR opportunity and possibly making suggestions, in and out of the operating theater, where improvements could be made.

      Figure.Immersive virtual reality model. A, Overview of the 3D CT-based immersive virtual reality model of the kidney parenchyma, collecting system, blood vessels, and skeletal structures. B, Immersive virtual reality model manipulation is depicted; here the renal collecting system is distinguished from the now ghosted renal parenchyma because of prior contact of the user’s virtual hand with the renal parenchyma. C, The surgeon’s virtual hand has pulled the parenchyma away from the collecting system. Red arrows indicate the interpolar and lower pole stone burden. D, The model has been rotated such that the access to the stone (yellow) is visualized through the surgeon’s percutaneous calyx of choice (blue arrow). The surgeon can “peer” into the calyx and travel down the infundibulum to see if it is truly in line with the stone from that particular approach.

      Figure. Immersive virtual reality model. A, Overview of the 3D CT-based immersive virtual reality model of the kidney parenchyma, collecting system, blood vessels, and skeletal structures. B, Immersive virtual reality model manipulation is depicted; here the renal collecting system is distinguished from the now ghosted renal parenchyma because of prior contact of the user’s virtual hand with the renal parenchyma. C, The surgeon’s virtual hand has pulled the parenchyma away from the collecting system. Red arrows indicate the interpolar and lower pole stone burden. D, The model has been rotated such that the access to the stone (yellow) is visualized through the surgeon’s percutaneous calyx of choice (blue arrow). The surgeon can “peer” into the calyx and travel down the infundibulum to see if it is truly in line with the stone from that particular approach.

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    Over the past 50 years, percutaneous stone removal (PCNL) has evolved as the predominant procedure for the treatment of large renal calculi.1,2 In this regard, a comprehensive understanding of the renal collecting system and its relation to the stone as well as to the surrounding viscera is crucial for a successful, safe procedure.3-7 The advent of CT scanning has greatly enhanced the urologist’s ability to understand the renal anatomy and to select the calyx that would provide optimal access to the calculus.8 Currently, a significant challenge lies in assimilating the nearly 2000 static images of the 2-dimensional noncontrast CT (NCCT) scans into an accurate, mental 3D image.

    Immersive interactive virtual reality (iVR) may act as a vital bridge between conventional and innovative imaging modalities. iVR transforms the static, 2-dimensional NCCT depiction of renal anatomy into a dynamic, 3D, interactive encounter.5-7 Our initial pilot studies with iVR, when retrospectively compared with an earlier non-iVR PCNL cohort, revealed that after viewing the iVR model, surgeons were better able to select the best calyx for entry and achieved better results.6 We report a prospective randomized clinical study designed to test the potential impact of preoperative viewing of an iVR model on PCNL efficacy, effectiveness, and safety, as well as its impact on the patient’s understanding and comfort with the planned surgery.


    Study Design

    To assess the impact of iVR, we created a 2-group, parallel, prospective, randomized single-center clinical study. The study protocol was approved by our institutional review board and was performed in accordance with the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) statement. All patients provided written informed consent before enrollment. Data collection and follow-up were performed in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Participants were recruited between April 2019 and May 2023; data were analyzed in August 2023.

    Patient Enrollment and Randomization

    Patients presenting with a non–lower pole stone > 2 cm or a lower pole renal stone > 1 cm who were scheduled to undergo a PCNL procedure by any one of 4 University of California, Irvine, endourologists were eligible for study inclusion.

    After patient enrollment, permuted block randomization was performed.9 Consented patients understood that they would be randomized into either the CT+iVR group or the CT-only group. Within blocks of different sizes (ie, 4, 6, or 8 patients), a 1:1 randomization scheme was used to ensure treatment allocation balance. The randomization and allocation concealment were performed by an investigator who was not involved in patient enrollment. Moreover, 2 separate databases were created: a patient database where the basic demographic information was kept, and a randomization database, which held the data on which patient was allotted to which group. The randomization database was stored in a password-protected Excel file to which the primary investigator did not have access. By following these steps, the 2 criteria for adequate allocation concealment described by Vickers10 were ensured: (1) researches were not able to predict which group a patient will be randomized to, and (2) researchers were unable to change a patient’s allocation after they were randomized.

    Regardless of randomization, as part of the standard stone protocol at our institution, CT imaging was obtained. No patients were required to undergo NCCT scans outside of the standard of care either for the creation of the iVR models or for follow-up. It is a common practice at our institution to gain percutaneous access with ureteroscopic guidance. The CT or the iVR preoperative experience enabled the urologist to select the most direct calyx to access the stone; the ureteroscope was only used to seek out the target calyx and observe the puncture.


    Primary outcomes include postoperative stone-free rates, defined on a 2-mm or 3-mm NCCT scan obtained within 3 months after surgery, and complication rates as defined by the Clavien-Dindo system. Residual fragments were classified as follows: Grade A (no stone remnants), Grade B (≤2.0 mm remnants), and Grade C (2.1-4.0 mm remnants). These outcomes were presented as percentages and assessed by univariate χ2 analysis.

    Secondary outcomes included operative and fluoroscopy times, estimated blood loss, stone volume, and volume of stone removed per minute of surgery. Blood loss was estimated by calculating the difference between preoperative and postoperative hemoglobin levels in g/dL. Renal function was evaluated through the measurement of serum creatinine levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate. Estimated glomerular filtration rate was calculated using the novel National Kidney Foundation and American Society of Nephrology Task Force–endorsed CKD-EPI-2021 race-free equation.11 Preoperative and postoperative day 1 values were recorded. Values 3 to 6 months after surgery were used to assess for acute or chronic renal impairment. These continuous variables were presented as mean/SD or median/IQR. Multiple unpaired sample unequal variance 2-tailed t tests were used.

    As a secondary outcome of our study, we sought to adjust the effect of group allocation (ie, CT-only vs CT+iVR) on stone-free rates (either absolute stone free or relative stone free [RSF]) by the surgeon’s years of experience. As such, 2 multivariable logistic regression models were built. The outcomes of the 2 multivariable models were absolute stone-free status (defined as a binary “yes” or “no” categorical variable) or RSF status (defined as a binary “yes” or “no” categorical variable). The assessed covariates were determined a priori to the analysis based on the clinical judgment of the authors and avoiding the stepwise approach model. The included covariates were group allocation (CT-only vs CT+iVR) and surgeon experience (included in 4 categories: surgeon 1—40+ years of experience, surgeon 2—30+ years of experience, surgeon 3—10+ years of experience and surgeon 4—<10 years of experience).

    iVR Model Production and Display

    Two or three-millimeter slice thickness NCCT scans were uploaded into an open-source application, 3D Slicer (NIH, Bethesda, Maryland).12 Using a voxel-based virtual paintbrush, a research physician manually labeled the relevant intrarenal and perirenal structures, slice by slice, using the generic anatomic color-coding scale. The resulting 3D model was subsequently rendered into an iVR simulation. The Oculus Quest 2 headset (Meta Platforms Inc, Menlo Park, California) facilitated the fully immersive experience of 3D model visualization, whereas the touch controllers allowed the user to manipulate the iVR model and enhanced the surgeon’s visual awareness of the patient’s unique anatomy (Figure 1). The iVR models specifically were limited to the renal parenchyma and collecting system with the proximal ureter, renal arterial and venous vasculature as well as aorta and inferior vena cava, pleura, surrounding spine and ipsilateral ribs, and liver or spleen dependent on the right or left kidney, respectively. The “immersive” nature of the iVR model enabled the surgeon to rotate the kidney and its surrounding anatomy such that the kidney could be viewed from any orientation; the aforementioned anatomic structures could be individually viewed and manipulated. Furthermore, the model allowed for the removal of the surrounding anatomy and renal parenchyma, to provide a clearer view of the collecting system and its relation to the calculus (Figure 2).

    Figure 1.Immersive virtual reality model creation framework. Thin slice (2-3 mm), completely deidentified, noncontrast CT scans in the standard Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format are uploaded into 3D Slicer. Using a voxel-based virtual paintbrush, a research physician manually labeled the relevant intrarenal and perirenal anatomical landmarks, slice by slice, using a generic anatomic color-coding scale. For ease of use, segmentations are built from inside-out, starting with the renal vascular bed (A) and collecting system (B) and then proceeding to the renal parenchyma (C) and axial skeleton (D). The renal stone burden (E) and surrounding viscera (ie, spleen, liver, pleura, bones) are the last segmented anatomical structures (F). The resulting 3D models (G) are subsequently rendered into an immersive virtual reality simulation using the Oculus Quest 2 headset (H). These models allow the surgeon not only to visualize and manipulate the relevant anatomy, but also to simulate the percutaneous approach to the proposed calyx of choice. IVC indicates inferior vena cava.

    Figure 1. Immersive virtual reality model creation framework. Thin slice (2-3 mm), completely deidentified, noncontrast CT scans in the standard Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format are uploaded into 3D Slicer. Using a voxel-based virtual paintbrush, a research physician manually labeled the relevant intrarenal and perirenal anatomical landmarks, slice by slice, using a generic anatomic color-coding scale. For ease of use, segmentations are built from inside-out, starting with the renal vascular bed (A) and collecting system (B) and then proceeding to the renal parenchyma (C) and axial skeleton (D). The renal stone burden (E) and surrounding viscera (ie, spleen, liver, pleura, bones) are the last segmented anatomical structures (F). The resulting 3D models (G) are subsequently rendered into an immersive virtual reality simulation using the Oculus Quest 2 headset (H). These models allow the surgeon not only to visualize and manipulate the relevant anatomy, but also to simulate the percutaneous approach to the proposed calyx of choice. IVC indicates inferior vena cava.

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    Figure 2.Immersive virtual reality model. A, Overview of the 3D CT-based immersive virtual reality model of the kidney parenchyma, collecting system, blood vessels, and skeletal structures. B, Immersive virtual reality model manipulation is depicted; here the renal collecting system is distinguished from the now ghosted renal parenchyma because of prior contact of the user’s virtual hand with the renal parenchyma. C, The surgeon’s virtual hand has pulled the parenchyma away from the collecting system. Red arrows indicate the interpolar and lower pole stone burden. D, The model has been rotated such that the access to the stone (yellow) is visualized through the surgeon’s percutaneous calyx of choice (blue arrow). The surgeon can “peer” into the calyx and travel down the infundibulum to see if it is truly in line with the stone from that particular approach.

    Figure 2. Immersive virtual reality model. A, Overview of the 3D CT-based immersive virtual reality model of the kidney parenchyma, collecting system, blood vessels, and skeletal structures. B, Immersive virtual reality model manipulation is depicted; here the renal collecting system is distinguished from the now ghosted renal parenchyma because of prior contact of the user’s virtual hand with the renal parenchyma. C, The surgeon’s virtual hand has pulled the parenchyma away from the collecting system. Red arrows indicate the interpolar and lower pole stone burden. D, The model has been rotated such that the access to the stone (yellow) is visualized through the surgeon’s percutaneous calyx of choice (blue arrow). The surgeon can “peer” into the calyx and travel down the infundibulum to see if it is truly in line with the stone from that particular approach.

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    Surgeons’ Preoperative Questionnaire

    On the morning of surgery, the surgeon reviewed the NCCT scans and completed a Likert-scale questionnaire designed to assess their spatial understanding of the stone’s position within the collecting system and their intended calyx of entry. Subsequently, if the patient was randomized to the CT+iVR group, the surgeon then interacted with the iVR model and completed a second Likert-scale questionnaire to assess if viewing the iVR model had in any way altered their initial operative plan.

    Patient Evaluation

    Patients completed a preoperative questionnaire (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) to assess their understanding and comfort with their planned PCNL procedure. This was administered initially after viewing the NCCT scans and then a second time after reviewing the iVR model, as facilitated by either an attending physician or a research fellow.

    Statistical Analysis

    Analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics, version 29.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, New York). Sample size was determined based on an a priori power analysis (Supplemental Material,


    The study had a CONSORT score of 22 out of 22.13 From 2019 to 2023, a total of 175 patients undergoing PCNL were preoperatively randomized into the CT-only group (n = 89) or CT+iVR group (n = 86; Figure 3). Demographic data, preopoerative and postoperative variables, are summarized in Table 1. There were no differences between groups when accounting for patient age, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, median stone burden (quantified as cumulative stone length), stone density, or lithotripsy modality used (Table 1).

    Figure 3.Trial summary (CONSORT [Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials] diagram). iVR indicates immersive virtual reality; US, ultrasound.

    Figure 3. Trial summary (CONSORT [Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials] diagram). iVR indicates immersive virtual reality; US, ultrasound.

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    Table 1. Patient Demographics, Intraoperative Details, and Postoperative Data

    CT-only CT+iVR P value
     Sex, No. (%)
      Female 49 (55) 41 (48) .33b
      Male 40 (45) 45 (52) .33b
     Median age, y 59 (IQR 25) 62 (IQR 14) .23a
     Mean BMI, kg/m2 29.25 (SD 7.8) 30.66 (SD 7.8) .24a
     Median ASA score 2 (IQR 1) 3 (IQR 1) .34a
     Mean density, HU 935 (SD 353) 961 (SD 394) .65a
     Median preoperative cumulative stone length, mm 41 (SD 27) 41 (SD 20) .97a
     Median stone volume (range), mm3 4913 (1646-8091) 5393 (1422-8972) .37a
     Creatinine, mean (SD), mg % 1.2 (0.6) 1.15 (0.8) .92a
     eGFR, mean (SD), mL/min/1.73 m2 76 (29) 73 (23) .37a
    Intraoperative details
     Mean operative time, min 152 (SD 60) 142 (SD 51) .24a
     Mean fluoroscopy time, s 69 (SD 67) 69 (SD 86) .96a
     Cumulative fluoroscopy dose, mGy 23 (SD 32) 24 (SD 30) .89a
     Median No. of punctures (IQR) 1 (IQR 1-4) 1 (IQR 1-5) .86a
     Mean volume of stone ablated/operative time, mm3 35 (SD 23) 50 (SD 33) .10a
     Lithotripsy modality used. No. (%)
      Ho:YAG 83 (93%) 84 (98)
      Thulium fiber laser 5 (6%) 2 (2) .33b
      Pneumatic 1 (1%) 0 (0)
    Postoperative data
     Mean hemoglobin change, g/dL 1.6 (SD 1.0) 1.60 (SD 0.9) .84a
     Mean residual fragment size, mm 6.3 (SD 8.6) 3.2 (SD 4.7) .006a
     Stone-free rates, No. (%)
      Grade A—0 mm 18 (20%) 29 (34) .04b
      Grade B—0.1-2 mm 9 (10%) 14 (16) .14b
      Grade C—2.1-4 mm 16 (17%) 11 (13) .26b
      Overall stone remnant rate (≤4 mm) 43 (47%) 54 (63) .044a
     Complications, No. (%)
      Overall 17 (19%) 11 (13) .26b
      Clavien I 6 (7%) 8 (9) .53b
      Clavien II+IIIa 11 (12%) 3 (3) .03b
     POD1-creatinine, mean (SD), mg % 1.3 (0.37) 1.3 (0.87) .63a
     POD1-eGFR, mean (SD), mL/min/1.73 m2  72 (31) 67 (23) .34a
     eGFR difference preop vs POD1, mean (SD), mL/min/1.73 m2 4.3 (14) 5.7 (16) .34a
     POM3-creatinine, mean (SD), mg %  1.3 (0.82) 1.3 (0.48) .39a
     POM3-eGFRm mean (SD), mL/min/1.73 m2 77 (34) 74 (24) .59a
     eGFR difference POM3 vs POD1, mean (SD), mL/min/1.73 m2 4.5 (19) 7.0 (16) .59a

    Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; Ho:YAG, holmium: yttrium aluminum garnet; iVR, immersive virtual reality; POD1, postoperative day 1; POM3, postoperative month 3.

    P values calculated with unpaired sample unequal variance 2-tailed t test.

    P values calculated using χ2 test.

    For both groups, 75% of postoperative NCCT scans were performed within 2 weeks after the PCNL procedure. When comparing the time to postoperative NCCT scan between the 2 groups using an unpaired sample, unequal-variance, 2-tailed t test, we found no statistically significant difference between the CT-only and CT+iVR groups with regard to the timing of the postoperative CT scan (mean difference: 1.8 days; 95% CI for the difference-5.7-9.3 days).

    The CT+iVR group had a statistically significant improvement in absolute stone-free rate (34% vs 20%, P = .04) and RSF rate (< 4 mm; 63% vs 47%, P = .04; Figure 4). Of note, the mean volume of stone ablated/minute of surgery was not significantly higher in the CT+iVR vs CT-only group (mean difference: −16 mm3; 95% CI for the difference −25 to 7.3 mm3).

    Figure 4.Postoperative main outcomes: stone-free rates and Clavien-Dindo complications. *P value < .05. iVR indicates immersive virtual reality.

    Figure 4. Postoperative main outcomes: stone-free rates and Clavien-Dindo complications. *P value < .05. iVR indicates immersive virtual reality.

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    In 2 multivariable logistic regression models, preoperative iVR visualization maintained a statistically significant impact on the objective clinical outcomes, when stratifying absolute stone-free (P < .04) and RSF (P = .008) rates by surgeon’s experience; irrespective of surgical experience, outcomes benefited from preoperative iVR visualization (Table 2). This finding corroborated the subjective postoperative surgeon’s assessment as recorded on the Likert-scale questionnaire. A preoperative iVR experience enhanced each surgeon’s understanding of the perirenal anatomy, stone’s size, stone’s location, and optimal transcalyceal access (all P < .01; Table 3). After viewing the iVR, the calyx of entry for optimal stone ablation was altered in 30% of cases.

    Table 2. Multivariate Binary Logistic Regression Analysis of Stone-Free Outcomes, Stratified by Group (CT-Only/CT+Interactive Virtual Reality) and Surgeon Experience (Surgeon 1-4)

    Variables in the equation 95% CI for OR
    B SE Wald df Sig OR Lower Upper
    Absolute stone free
     Group allocation 0.753 0.367 4.214 0.040 2.124 1.035 4.360
     Surgeon 6.249 4 0.181
      Surgeon 1 −0.380 1.470 0.067 0.796 0.684 0.038 12.194
      Surgeon 2 −0.884 1.556 0.322 0.570 0.413 0.020 8.723
      Surgeon 3 −1.303 1.462 0.795 0.373 0.272 0.015 4.765
      Surgeon 4 −1.314 1.662 0.625 0.429 0.269 0.010 6.986
     Constant −0.377 1.451 0.067 0.795 0.686
    Relative stone free
     Group allocation 0.883 0.334 6.983 0.008 2.419 1.256 4.657
     Surgeon 5.997 4 0.199
      Surgeon 1 0.788 1.483 0.282 1 0.595 2.198 0.120 40.244
      Surgeon 2 0.805 1.545 0.272 0.602 2.238 0.108 46.208
      Surgeon 3 0.106 1.464 0.005 0.942 1.112 0.063 19.595
      Surgeon 4 −0.754 1.631 0.214 0.644 0.471 0.019 11.496
     Constant −0.442 1.458 0.092 0.762 0.643

    Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio.

    Variable(s) entered on step 1: group, surgeon.

    Table 3. Surgeons’ Questionnaire Answers Postoperatively Comparing the Utility of CT Alone With That of Reviewing the Virtual Reality Model Preoperatively

    95% CI of the difference
    Questionnaire Mean Lower Upper P value
    1. The VR model helped me navigate the intrarenal anatomy (vs CT scan) −1.5 −1.7 −1.2 < .001
    2. The VR model correlated well with regard to the calyx chosen for percutaneous access (vs CT scan) −1.1 −1.4 −0.8 < .001
    3. The VR model correlated well with regard to the renal pelvis intrarenal collecting system (vs CT scan) −1.1 −1.4 −0.8 < .001
    4. The VR model correlated well with regard to the location of the stone (vs CT scan) −0.9 −1.1 −0.7 < .001
    5. The VR model correlated well with regard to the size of the stone (vs CT scan) −1.2 −1.4 −1.0 < .001
    6. The VR model correlated well with the severity of hydronephrosis (vs CT scan) −0.8 −1.0 −0.6 < .001

    Abbreviations: VR, virtual reality.

    There was no difference in overall complication rates between the 2 groups; however, Clavien II+IIIa complications were significantly lower in the CT+iVR group (3.5% vs 12.4%, P = .03; Figure 4, Table 4).

    Table 4. Comparison of Clavien II+IIIa Complications Between the CT-Only and CT+Immersive Virtual Reality Group

    CT-only group CT+iVR group
     11/89 (12.4%) Clavien II+IIIa complications 3/86 (3.5%) Clavien II+IIIa complications

     4 × Pleural effusion requiring chest tube placement

    5 × Hemorrhages requiring angioembolization

    2 × Urosepsis events

     3 × Hemorrhages requiring angioembolization

    Abbreviations: iVR, immersive virtual reality.

    The postoperative questionnaire was administered to both CT+iVR and CT-only cases; a statistically significant difference existed only between the pre-iVR and post-iVR answers. From a preoperative patient education perspective, iVR visualization resulted in an enhanced understanding of stone size, location, and shape as well as the rationale for PCNL recommendation (all P < .001). The iVR experience did not correlate with a decrease in patient concern (P = .4) or patient worry (P = .5) about the upcoming procedure (Table 5).

    Table 5. Patient’s Questionnaire Answers Before and After Immersive Virtual Reality Model Review

    95% CI of the difference
    Questionnaire Mean Lower Upper P value
    1. Understanding stone location before and after the VR model −0.6 −0.9 −0.3 < .001
    2. Understanding stone size and shape before and after the VR model −0.7 −1.0 −0.4 < .001
    3. Understanding why PCNL was recommended before and after the VR model −0.2 −0.4 0.10 .03
    4. Concerned about surgery before and after the VR model 0.1 −0.4 0.5 .4
    5. Worried about the anesthetic before and after the VR model 0.0 −0.153 0.2 .5
    6. Anesthetic on my mind before and after the VR model −0.1 −0.260 0.01 .1
    7. Would want to know as much as possible about anesthetic before and after the VR model 0.0 −0.207 0.2 .4
    8. Worried about procedure before and after the VR model 0.1 −0.07 0.3 .1
    9. Procedure on my mind continuously before and after the VR model 0.05 −0.3 0.2 .3
    10. Want to know as much as possible about procedure before and after the VR model −0.09 −0.3 0.1 .2

    Abbreviations: PCNL, percutaneous nephrolithotomy; VR, virtual reality.


    Securing safe and effective access to the renal collecting system is among the most challenging steps of PCNL because placement of the nephrostomy tract affects surgical outcomes.14,15 Conventional imaging modalities such as ultrasound or fluoroscopy offer only a limited, 2-dimensional anatomical visualization.16 To overcome this difficulty, some surgeons have created CT-curated, patient-specific physical models of the stone-bearing kidney. While 3D printing enables the creation of these models that one can hold and view in all dimensions, this method has some serious drawbacks.16-20 First, it is both time-consuming and costly (ie, $500/model).16 Second, the model is static; thus, the user cannot interact with the model’s components or gain an understanding of the perirenal anatomy.

    Virtual reality bridges the gap between standard and novel imaging modalities for PCNL.6,21-24 It has 3 different categories: augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and iVR; each of these formats has its own principles, applications, techniques, and necessary equipment.6,21-23

    AR uses computer-generated models overlaid on tangible objects and thus seeks to enhance a user’s real-world environment.21,22 Rassweiler-Seyfried et al21,22 effectively implemented AR during PCNL, using a tablet in conjunction with anatomical markers to enable live projection of renal anatomy during percutaneous access. Overall, despite enhancing the surgeon’s understanding of the anatomy, the radiation exposure failed to be reduced by using AR.21,22

    Similar to AR, MR enables surgeons to intraoperatively project iVR models onto a patient’s skin, creating a holographic image of underlying anatomy. However, as opposed to AR, these models are not just mere static projections imposed on the real world but rather interactive models which the user can manipulate at the time of puncture.24 By doing so, one could hypothesize improved puncture time and reduced radiation exposure. Indeed, the pivotal work by Porpiglia et al23 in MR use for PCNL revealed a 50% decrease in radiation exposure; however, surprisingly, this reduction did not correspond with a decreased puncture time, likely because of the learning curve required to integrate MR into clinical practice and the small sample size (N = 10).

    In contrast to AR or MR, iVR completely immerses the viewer in a digital world of synthetic, interactive, anatomically correct elements. iVR allows the surgeon to visualize and manipulate the relevant renal and perirenal anatomical landmarks as well as view an intrarenal stone through the planned nephrostomy tract.6 This interaction is both visual and interactive as the operator’s virtual hand can remove the renal parenchyma from the collecting system to better view the stone’s relationship to the various calyces and infundibulae.6 Moreover, components of the segmentation can be “ghosted” and allow the surgeon and the patient to gain an optimal understanding of the stone’s position within the collecting system given a transiently, transparent renal parenchyma.6

    In this study, from a surgeon’s standpoint, the iVR experience resulted in a safer, more effective PCNL. Overall, the rates of achieving stone-free status and the occurrence of Clavien II to IIIa complications favored the iVR group. This was true irrespective of the surgeon’s experience level, as demonstrated by our multivariate binary logistic regression analysis. Of note, despite surgeons initially feeling confident in their surgical plans based on CT scans alone, their approach was altered in 30% of cases after reviewing the iVR models. This indicates the ability of iVR to further refine surgical strategies based on an improved presentation of the anatomy and the attendant' ability of the surgeon to view it in multiple orientations and to tightly focus on the pathology at hand and its immediate surrounding structures.

    Our findings align with the outcomes of the prospective randomized control study by Cui et al16 examining the efficacy of preoperative visualization of patient-specific 3D-printed models in guiding PCNL procedures. Through a 1:1 randomization scheme into either a CT-only or 3D-printed group, Cui et al16 observed significant advantages favoring the latter. These benefits included reduced complications, fewer and more accurate punctures, and improved stone-free rates.16

    Not surprisingly, 3D printing, AR, and iVR have not exhibited advantages in terms of radiation exposure over standard methods.6,16-22 While these technologically advanced modalities assist surgeons in selecting the optimal access calyx for stone ablation and assessing the relationship between the renal collecting system, adjacent vessels, and nearby organs, they do not accommodate respiratory movements or organ deformation.6,16-23 This limitation could one day be overcome by MR.23

    From a patient perspective, the educational significance of iVR technology is noteworthy. Most of the patients reviewing the iVR model reported an enhanced understanding of stone characteristics, such as location, size, and shape of their stone as well as the indication for the PCNL procedure. Moreover, we observed a trend toward decreased worry regarding the procedure after iVR visualization (P = .092). Likewise, patients exposed to 3D-printed kidney characteristics demonstrated improved comprehension of the procedure and expressed higher satisfaction with the doctor-patient communication.16

    There are limitations to our study. First, the quality of the iVR model heavily relies on the quality of the initial CT imaging and the proficiency of personnel in creating models using a 3D slicer. In addition, the learning curve associated with the creation of the iVR models is steep; initial models take up to 10 hours to segment and render.7 In our experience, after 20 cases, the time to produce the iVR model falls to 90 minutes, still a clearly laborious endeavor. Given the mean hourly wage estimations provided by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2023 for a radiology technician or a radiologist, this would correspond to a cost of an iVR model ranging from $112.5 to $255. Although still more affordable than the $500 cost described by Cui et al for creating a personalized 3D-printed model, we believe that full automation is needed to widely disseminate the iVR preoperative PCNL planning approach. One potential solution would be the future development of an artificial intelligence neural network capable of accurately and efficiently identifying relevant anatomical landmarks, thereby streamlining the creation of iVR models.25 Another limitation of the study is that we did not record the specific amount of time each surgeon spent viewing the CT scan or the iVR model. Indeed, surgeons viewing the iVR model had the benefit of spending time first viewing the CT scan and then the iVR model providing them with a longer period studying the patient’s anatomy. We are unable to determine whether having the surgeon in the CT-only group spend even more time reviewing the NCCT scan would have altered the results of our study. Finally, while surgeons and patients were unaware of the randomization status until the day of the procedure, given the nature of the intervention group (ie, visualization of an iVR model preoperatively), we realize that this is not blinding in the true scientific sense.


    Preoperative viewing of a patient-specific iVR model altered the surgeon’s plan for calyceal access in 30% of cases. Moreover, preoperative visualization of iVR models resulted in a safer and more effective PCNL procedure. The benefit of this novel technology was independent of a surgeon’s overall experience. In addition, there was significant patient benefit from viewing their iVR anatomy with regard to a better understanding of their stone burden and the rationale for a PCNL procedure.


    Funding/Support: This research received no external funding from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit domains.

    Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The Authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

    Ethics Statement: All human subjects provided written informed consent with guarantees of confidentiality.

    Author Contributions:

    Conception and design: Cumpanas, Landman, Jiang, Clayman, Patel, Ali.

    Data analysis and interpretation: McCormac, Cumpanas, Gao, Tran, Altamirano-Villarroel, Landman, Lee, Hernandez, Ericson, Jiang, Clayman, Ali, Tano.

    Data acquisition: Cumpanas, Tran, Hernandez, Ali.

    Drafting the manuscript: McCormac, Cumpanas, Tran, Altamirano-Villarroel, Landman, Lee, Hernandez.

    Critical revision of the manuscript for scientific and factual content: McCormac, Gao, Tran, Altamirano-Villarroel, Landman, Hernandez, Ericson, Jiang, Clayman, Patel, Ali, Tano.

    Statistical analysis: McCormac, Cumpanas, Tran, Altamirano-Villarroel, Lee, Hernandez, Ericson.

    Supervision: Gao, Landman, Ericson, Jiang, Clayman, Patel, Ali, Tano.